A blog is a good place for like-minded individuals to get to know each other and build relationships. So, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Sal. I’m a Communications professional, with a Market Research background. I’m into reading best sellers in any genre, travelling to new places, and getting to know more about different cultures. I’ve studied psychology, marketing, public relations, and corporate communications. And I’ve lived in three places so far: Cairo (place of birth), Dubai (place of gold), and Toronto (place of human dignity).

Well, I’ll be very frank: I’ve created this blog because I had to, as a part of my study program. Having said that, it doesn’t mean that I only look at it as an assignment. In fact, it would be great if I can post meaningful stuff that people like. It could be an insight based on my personal experience, a summary of an article, or a book review. Basically, it could be anything!

A blog could be a good opportunity for us to collectively think about interesting topics, hence the name chosen for this blog (“Minds Cluster”). The tagline (“analysis, not paralysis”) is meant to remind us of the importance of simplicity and clarity when it comes to communication.

Ideally, I should be posting every month. But it is sometimes impossible to do so when you are too busy. So, I’ll do my best.

I’m glad that you’ve decided to have a look at my blog and hope that you’ll find it interesting.



Email me anytime at: sal.hosny@gmail.com